Thursday, January 22, 2015
15 Years and Other Ramblings
Last Saturday Greg and I celebrated our 15 year anniversary of being together. Do most people still celebrate the date they met and were sort of together forever after? Probably not, but January 17th was such a big date to us in the six years we were a couple before getting marriage that we didn't want to let it go. In many ways this anniversary has always felt a little more special to me than our wedding anniversary because it marks such a major change in my life. Plus it's always a lot more fun to celebrate in the middle of January when nothing else is going on rather than the end of May during Memorial weekend and the end days of school when we're too busy to focus on our special date.
At any rate, we've officially been together for half of our lives. Crazy! I barely remember life before that. It's always amazed me that the thing that most attracted me to Greg when we first met was how well he interacted with a child. We were working at a fundraiser together and while we were sitting there this little boy kept throwing a ball in our general direction. Every single time Greg would get up and throw it back to him, clearly enjoying himself. Who would have thought that hour in time would so clearly portray our future together. Greg is and has been an amazing dad from the second he became one. I feel so blessed that found each other that day and have been committed to each other ever since. I look forward to still celebrating this day fifty years from now. :)
So. On to my "other ramblings." I am SO fed up with my cpap machine and sleep in general. I used to love that moment every night when I was ready to put my kindle down and know that I'd fall asleep immediately and wake up at 5:00 feeling fully recharged. According to my doctor, at least, that great sleep I always thought I had at night was a lie. With the mild sleep apnea I was having over 40 "episodes" an hour of partially waking up, resulting in my extreme fatigue during the day. Since being on my machine I've been averaging about 1.4 per hour which is obviously a significant improvement. Then why does it now feel so hard to sleep?? Why do I wake up feeling so groggy and exhausted? While I'm used to this feeling the majority of the day, I never had it in the mornings.
I'm technically on a three month trial with the machine and am supposed to be putting my absolute best effort into using it so I'll know beyond a doubt if it helped or not. In the past three weeks I feel like I've really tried but I've only totally slept through the night once in that time. I've been restless, had a hard time falling asleep, had a hard time staying asleep, and most nights I wake up around 2 or 3 and take it off because it feels like too much effort to try and fall back to sleep with it on. The last two nights have suddenly felt like the first few nights where it's suffocating me and I'm going to die if I don't take the mask off. The whole thing is just so frustrating!! But...on the other hand...while not actually feeling any better, I HAVE been a lot more active and productive during the day. I've been doing so much more, having more willpower, and pushing myself harder than I have in a long time. Is that the result of a better sleep quality, despite how awful it's felt? I wish I knew. Clearly I'll continue using it because I want to know if after three months I really do feel better or not. But I hate it. I dread bedtime so much knowing that my exhaustion will continue to fight me through the night with no relief in sight.
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