Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

I thought I'd share the best of my Mother's Day pictures from the other day. It turned out to be a really relaxing and wonderful day. My boys gave me breakfast in bed - a gigantic donut I bought at the farmer's market on Saturday. Then they gave me two little Willow Tree boy figurines. And then they left me alone for a few hours so I could read!

We stopped at the park for awhile to try and get some nice mother sons pictures. I was really happy Caden was so cooperative this year! He doesn't usually put up with posed photo shoots too well.

"Planting a tree."

Side note - things have gotten SO much better with Caden in the last few months. He seems so much happier than he used to be. I love it.

Next we headed to Greg's parents' for Mother's Day brunch. Caden immediately had to go check out the gardens. He's kind of obsessed. I'm glad somebody in our house will hopefully be able to take care of our plants this year, though! I'm so terrible with gardening.

Caden is tasting chive bulbs. Chives are like his favorite thing EVER.

It was actually relatively warm out, especially in the sun, so Grandpa set up a brand new slip and slide for the boys.

They couldn't really figure out what to do with it, but Caden eventually caught on to the sliding part. Shepard just ran through the sprinkler sprays.

Mom picture before present opening.

Noe women pictures.

Caden and Shepard gave me a giant almond scented bar of soap. Which they immediately had to rub all over themselves.

They were so proud of the pictures they drew for the grandmas.

We gave Grandma a Lisa Leonard "My Wildflowers" necklace. I got one for myself for Easter and it's my current favorite.

He's fascinated.

We also made some hand print embroidery pictures for both grandmas.

And an Andy from Greg.

Shepard watching the neighbor's dog play while eating his fruit snacks. And still wearing diapers - 3 years and 3 months old and still has ZERO interest in potty training. Hopefully this summer....

Caden talked Grandma into planting a bunch of herbs and flowers, even though she was supposed to be taking a day off!

Gardening. And Greg having fun playing with my new camera. I haven't even had much time to play around with it yet, but Greg was trying to find ways to be more creative.

Mother and children pictures, without Sarah.

Ah, this is the Caden photo poser I know so well.

In the afternoon we headed over to my parents'. Caden was super excited to give Grandma cards and presents.

This dog cracks me up every time I look at her.

Mother daughter picture.

Mother and children, without Timmy. Right after these pictures a gigantic thunderstorm rolled through. It didn't last long, but it was big!

My dad, the master griller, made me some hot wings so I'd have something for dinner that I liked. They were SO good. So good that Greg said we could take the grill out this summer so I can make something similar.

Best buds. :) They're watching the rain. The rest of the night I spent reading, the boys played outside with Grandpa, and Greg and Tyler did math (again). Overall it was a really great day. Happy Mother's Day!

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