Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Counting My Blessings

Throughout this month of Thanksgiving I've been thinking a lot about my blessings and the reasons I should be filled with gratitude. One of the most obvious reasons is security in having all of our basic needs met. We live in an affordable apartment that feels like home. Greg has a great job that allows me to stay at home with our kids. We have plenty of food to eat and clothes to wear. We have two working vehicles that get us where we need to be. After living a year in such uncertainty awhile back, these basic comforts and the importance of simply having a home for our family is not something I take for granted anymore.

I've also been thinking about the little things in life that bring me joy every day. I'm thankful for books and the pleasure I can find in reading. I'm thankful for the music I listen to in my car every day. I'm thankful for my computer and phone and the internet that keeps me so connected to the outside world. I'm thankful for the meaningful jewelry and decorations I own that can always make me smile. All of these things are something I could technically live without and I'm so glad that I don't have to.

Of course my biggest blessings are the little faces that fill my heart to the brim on a regular basis. Having children shapes and changes you so much and I'm incredibly grateful that Greg and I are blessed with these two beautiful boys.

I'm thankful for Caden and all the happiness and heartache that comes along with him. He's certainly the biggest challenge of my every day, but I love that boy with everything I have. He is so smart and is constantly searching to learn more. His observation skills and memory are amazing. He's maturing and growing up so quickly. Caden is always eager to help and he loves guiding Shepard, teaching him new things with a patience and love I never would have expected. He surprises me in so many ways and I can't imagine my life without him.

I'm thankful for Shepard and how much joy he's brought to my life. No matter how crummy I'm feeling, Shepard can always bring me a smile. I love how lighthearted and sweet he always is. He loves to give me hugs and always runs to me the second he needs comfort over something. He is also a huge comedian, helping everyone who knows him laugh a lot more. Shepard has only been around a mere twenty-one months, but he's influenced our family deeply and I love him so much.

I'm also very thankful for Greg. We've been through a lot together in the past thirteen years. I'm grateful every day that we were able to grow up together and continue this journey hand in hand for the rest of our lives. Like any marriage, we have plenty of ups and downs, but we're always here for each other in the end. I'm thankful that Greg is a lot less serious than me, balancing out our relationship and helping me lighten up a lot more often. I'm thankful that Greg takes responsibility around the house and does a lot of the dirty work so I don't have to. And I'm especially thankful that he is such an amazing daddy. I couldn't ask for a better husband.

Besides my immediate little family, I'm also so blessed to be surrounded by extended family. I love that Caden and Shepard know their grandparents and get to see them all the time. I'm glad that I have relationships with my brothers and sisters-in law and get to see all of them on a pretty regular basis. Family is important and I know I can count on any of them. I'm so thankful that two years ago we made the decision to move closer to everyone for the sake of our kids. It's one of the best decisions we've ever made.

And finally, I'm thankful for my friends. The people that truly know and accept me for who I am, faults and all. I'm especially thankful for my best friend Dianne who has stuck by my side for over twenty years. No matter where we're living and what we're doing with our lives I now that we'll always be in contact and I can count on her friendship. I'm also thankful for newer friendships that have already withstood trials and separations and yet the friendship is still there. You're keepers and I'm thankful for you.

I have so much to be thankful for this year and can't wait to spend tomorrow in celebration with so many of those people I love. Happy Thanksgiving!

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