01 02 03 the everyday CRUMBS: Quick Update! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Quick Update!


Once again - it's been too long since I've written! Maybe I should stop apologizing and just write when I can and stop feeling guilty about it! I still enjoy writing and sharing bits and pieces of my life, but the simple truth is I just don't have much time for it anymore. Rather than beating myself up over it, I'm just going to write when I can and be okay with that. So here goes.

I've had a couple of things on my mind that I just wanted to get out there really quick. First of all, I'm giving up on my 365 Day Photo Project. :( I made it through June and then it just got too stressful. I'm disappointed in myself because it would have been really awesome to look back over my daily photos from the entire year, but I just couldn't keep up. For one, I've been TERRIBLE about picking up my camera this summer. I'm pretty sure I've taken at least one phone picture a day, but it just gets too hard going back and emailing myself all the pictures that seem good enough. That's not how I wanted to do this project, so I might as well just stop. Six months will have to be good enough.

I should probably save this for a post that I have more time to write, but I wanted to share that it's been a really hard summer for me. I've been tired, depressed, overwhelmed, angry, stressed, and really just felt over my head in projects and responsibilities that I'm never going to be able to keep up with. I've been having some major struggles with Caden and dealing with motherhood in general. I've been mourning my lack of true relationships and feeling hopeless about ever changing that. I've been having an awful time keeping up with cleaning the house, making meals, and even doing the simplest household chores. About the only thing I have stayed on top of is my sewing goals because they make me happy. Overall, though...I've been a mess.

I've definitely reached the point where I realize things NEED to change. I can't keep living like this. I'm really hoping that once school starts and we get back into a regular routine everything will get better. And as terrible as this sounds, I'm looking forward to a longer break from Caden every day. I love him so much, but he also pushes me so far beyond my limits on a daily basis. I think I need that step away from him every afternoon to learn how to appreciate him and give him what he needs so much more than when I have to deal with him 24 hours a day, day after day after day.

Anyway, maybe I'll write more on this next week after my vacation! We're leaving in a few hours to San Francisco! The boys are staying with grandparents while Greg and I go visit his sister and her boyfriend. I'm SO looking forward to spending a week as an adult. No mommy duties, no household duties, nothing to feel guilty about. I'm excited to spend time with Greg - as a couple, and not just as Mommy and Daddy, which seems to be all we are anymore. And I'm just thrilled to see a new city! I love traveling, but the last few years our trips seem to be more stressful than fun. A trip without kids should be much more enjoyable. I've always wanted to go to San Francisco, so I'm glad my sister-in-law decided to move there to make this trip possible. :) Anyway, Caden woke up during this last paragraph and my concentration is shot, so more...in a week!
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