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Father's Day


Happy Father's Day! This year we joined everyone up at Cedar Lake for the big family gathering. The weather was perfect, everyone was in good spirits, and it was a great day!

Caden was dancing with excitement to get in the water. I felt a little bad for him because he wanted to swim so badly, but nobody wanted to go in with him.

My boys. Greg is such a great dad. :)

Family paddle boat ride. Shepard was in the middle steering.

Greg's dad and sister, Melissa.

Greg was talked in to getting in the water. Apparently all the boys wanted to do was jump off the dock for awhile.

After awhile Caden ventured out on his own. He loves swimming so much! I feel badly we haven't gotten to any pools yet this year, though the weather hasn't exactly been cooperative. Maybe later this week we can check something out.

Happy kid!

We went on the fast boat ride to watch the tubers. I feel like I would probably die if I went tubing.

Caden was really scared that they were going to fall off.

Back ashore, playing some giant dice game.

That didn't last long.

Me and my gross allergy eyes. This has been the worst week of my life for allergies. Probably doesn't help I spent all day every single day outside getting ready for and then working at my garage sale! I hope they go away soon because it's completely unbearable.

Shepard was in such a silly mood all afternoon.

On board for the slow boat ride.

Caden was our captain.

My brother said the other day that pretty much everything Shepard does is the cutest thing ever. I have to agree. He is adorable.

Braiding Shepard's hair. He really needs a haircut. I think he's going to get his first official one sometime this week. No more baby hair. :(

I was about to pass out on the boat. Too much sun! You know me and my extreme sun avoidance! Oh well, it was fun. :)

Feeding the fish some oatmeal.

Shepard wanted to sit in the backseat on the way home so Grandpa agreed to squeeze into the two inches of space left after two carseats are put side by side. Craziness.

Back at the grandparents' for a quick present opening.

Caden is pointing out where Shepard spilled pizza on the card and he wrote "PIZZA."

Family resemblance?

Trying to get a father and sons picture at the end of the day. Turned out better than I expected!

Another one. Shepard, seriously. He just cracks me up.

For fun, last year's picture.

And the year before.

And that's the end of the day! I guess I shouldn't speak for the father's, but I think it was a pretty perfect father's day!

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