01 02 03 the everyday CRUMBS: WI State Fair! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

WI State Fair!


Yesterday, the boys and I went to the Wisconsin State Fair! The fair has always been my favorite summer activity and I didn't think we were going to be able to go this year. But at the last minute my parents were able to go so we tagged along. I contemplated taking them on my own, but I'm glad I didn't attempt it. I never even would have been able to push the stroller through the whole thing! It was perfect having extra help so we could all enjoy it more.

The first thing we always do is look through the livestock barns. Shepard seemed SO confused! I think the whole morning was very perplexing to both of them. I actually had to wake them up (that never happens!) at 6:30, immediately got them dressed, and loaded them in the car with their  breakfast waffles in a ziploc bag. Definitely not a typical morning for us.

Yes, it was very confusing. After awhile they both started having mooing conversations with the cows, though. That was pretty funny.

I like that the baby cows even get to go to the fair with their mommies! It made me happy. :)

This lady was nice enough to take one of her sheep out of the pen so we could get a close up look!

I like this one. He liked me too.

Around 9:30 I had my first fair food - my usual hot turkey sandwich. I figured I'd better get my healthy food in first so I wouldn't feel so guilty getting something terrible later on.

Little duckies! I think they were my favorite animals to watch. Such cuties.

This rabbit was so adorable! Caden really liked watching the rabbits.


We're sitting on massage pillows.

Shepard was being such a pig! He was literally eating nonstop from the time we got there until it was time to leave. It's amazing how much that kid eats and yet he's still so small!

Caden kept whining about being sooo hungry the whole time too. I finally bought them some chicken tenders for their actual lunch. Caden ate one bite. One bite.

This was my specialty food of the day. It's called a Fat Elvis on a Stick. It's a peanut butter cup deep fried in a banana batter, drizzled in chocolate, and topped with bacon. Oddly, banana was the prominent flavor, but it all went together really well. I liked it a lot! Last year my exciting picks were a deep fried Milky Way and chocolate covered bacon. This was like a perfected version of both of those put together.

Caden didn't seem to be enjoying himself very much - until we got to the DNR and children's area. This is when we let Shepard out of the stroller for the first time too. They loved walking around and looking at the stream!

There was a big children's play area. They were loving the sand.

Caden really loved playing the guitar and playing in this pretend campsite. He probably could have stayed there all day if we had let him.

Lately Shepard likes telling me to take a picture of him so he can look at it on the back of my camera afterward. So this is one of those "take a picture now!" shots.

Around 2:00 we were ready to leave. There were still so many more things we could have done, but we were tired and it was getting really crowded and hot. When we started walking back Shepard was whining and then he literally just passed out.

We made one last stop for fried pickles. I wasn't that hungry, but I couldn't pass them up. I wish I had, though. They were definitely not worth it. I guess I learned my lesson for next year!

One final shot. It was a really good day and I'm so glad we were able to go. Thanks to my parents who put up with us for so long and my dad for pushing the stroller for me! I'm really looking forward to next year's trip!
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